Wednesday, October 11, 2006


We have been busy and also neglectful of the blog!! So sorry. At the last posting, we were in New York. Now we are in Springfield, Illinois. What have we been up to?? Well..

We left New York and drove to through part of Pennsylvania to Zanesville Ohio. While there, we made a brief trip to Coshocton where Jim looked up some genealogy information at the public library. We had a pleasant surprise when we checked in at our campground. Checking in at the same time were Jan and Barry--Boomer friends we met in Quartzsite last winter. Jan is from Zanesville and she and Barry took us to Tom's Ice Cream Bowl--a local favorite for homemade ice cream. Delicious! It was nice to visit with them.

Next stop was Dayton, Ohio--home of the National US Air Force Museum at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base. What an enormous place!! Acres and acres (inside hangers) of planes depicting aviation history from the Wrights up to space craft. They had Presidential aircraft as well. It was a really neat place to visit.

Our next stop was in Elkhart Indiana--home of the Monaco factory as well as other RV supply outlets. We picked a up a few spare parts we needed. We also bought a new couch to replace the one we had removed last winter. Getting that into the motorhome proved quite challenging--our thanks to John (next door neighbor from Florida) for adding his muscle to the project!

Then we moved on to Bloomington Indiana to see our good friend, Barbara. We had lovely weather while we there. We got to go on a night time cat fishing expedition with one of her co-workers at Patoka Lake. Once the sunset it was downright cold but we enjoyed a beautiful sunset, gorgeous moonrise and we caught some catfish too! Barbara took this photo of Jim fishing into the sunset.
We spent the rest of the weekend helping Barbara with some home improvement projects. Our visit went too quickly as usual but we really enjoyed it.

From there we went to Carlock, Illinois where parked overnight. While there we made a drive over to Amanda (our other " daughter")and Jared and family. We had a short but wonderful visit with them. It was especially fun to see how much the kids had grown and see the new baby.

Now we are in Springfield, Illinois. There is a weather front moving in and "S" word is in the forecast!! So the plan is to see the new Lincoln Museum/Library and then head South--winter is coming.