Friday, August 18, 2006

Exploring Bonne Bay

Today we took a water taxi from Norris Point to Woody Point on Bonne Bay. The two fishing villages are only about 2 miles from each across the water but are 65 road miles apart. The bay’s water was glass smooth on both trips and the taxi crew was full of Newfie humor.

After seeing several boats working the harbor, we asked what they were fishing for and the answer was cod!! This bay was deeply scoured by the receding glaciers and they can jig for cod right inside because of the depth. These fishermen can also set snow crab traps at the cold depths and lobster traps closer in to shore where it’s shallower. The best of all worlds!!

The unique geology of the whole area is something to see. In 1987, Gros Morne National Park was declared a World Heritage Site for its geological importance. It has huge tabletop mountains, river accessible fjords and a large scenic coastline on the Gulf of St. Lawrence.